Street Parking Unlocked 6: Maintenance



Maintenance is just like it sounds. When you workout you put your body under stress. Resistance training literally involves damaging and rebuilding muscle tissue. We expose our joints and connective tissue to loads and impacts of varying intensity. This ultimately increases bone density, helps regulate hormones, improves cardiovascular function and gets us stronger. But more is not better. We only get these amazing benefits of training if we allow our bodies and minds to recover mentally and physically. Therefore, recovery and the maintenance of your body’s hardware are essential components of any training program.

 We developed Street Parking Maintenance to help you simply improve and maintain the health of your joints, muscles, and connective tissue, reduce stress and hopefully have a little fun in the process. 

 There is a complete library of videos to choose from ranging from 5 to 60 minutes. There are warm-up and cool-down videos, we target specific muscle groups that might need some extra love or you can follow along with a full body practice. There is even an energy-specific category of sequences you can follow to increase energy, relieve stress, aid in digestion, or get you ready for bed!



Like with everything else, consistency is key.  A little focused practice goes a long way. 5-15 minutes of maintenance 5-6 times a week is better than a 60-minute practice every couple weeks. Even 2-3 times a week is enough to notice some positive effects.

This is meant to be preventative. If you feel a ‘tweak’ during a workout, doing a bunch of stretching to make the pain go away may not be the best idea. If you are in severe pain, please go see an in-person medical professional. 

Now if you are just feeling really sore and tired after a few days of strenuous workouts, a couple of maintenance sessions are going to feel amazing. Even better, if you integrate some consistent maintenance into your training program, you might find you move better and recover faster!


Well, it depends. We wouldn’t recommend doing the Cool Down Flow right before you jump into an intense workout. But the Morning Coffee routine or the Warm Up Flow are great sequences to get your heart rate up and your body primed for more movement. So, check out the descriptions for each video for more information. A good general rule is, before a workout you don’t want to hold a stretch or a pose for more than 30 seconds.  Longer holds are great for improving long term flexibility but aren’t great right before a workout when you want to have a little tension in the muscles and around the joints. So save those ones for after your workout or for active recovery days.



It doesn’t have to look like anything. So if what you see in the video does not seem accessible to you, change it! We want you to feel certain sensations in your body, that is all. By focusing on your breath first, you can then connect more deeply to your body. 

We will give some posture cues and modifications throughout the videos, but keep an ear out for what you should be feeling.  Then change the pose however you need to in order to go further toward that sensation. And by further, we mean not to the edge.


If you can’t touch your toes or sit on your heels, all the more reason to get going with this program!  If you are new to these movements or postures, it will probably be confusing and uncomfortable at first, just like anything else the first time you do it. Luckily you get to do this in the privacy of your own home! For some reason, sometimes when we try something a little bit outside the comfort zone, we also get a little bit stiff. Please, try to relax and don’t take it too seriously. Be gentle on yourself, go at your own pace and do just enough that you feel something but you aren’t miserable. The more you do this, the better it gets.

Oh, and one more thing….



  • Head over to the Street Parking Members Only website and find the complete collection of Maintenance yoga/flow videos ranging in 5-60 minutes to follow along! 

  • Visit the Street Parking YouTube channel, where you can download a shorter selection of videos we have made available for everyone to access! 

  • EVERY daily workout has a pre- and post-workout Maintenance suggestion if you have the time and desire to add in Coach Jeb and Carolina's recommendations for that day! These are easiest to view and click straight to the video when you check the daily workout on Members Only

Click here for Street Parking Maintenance on YouTube!

Click here for Street Parking Maintenance on YouTube!

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