This workout (the running version) is a workout that is done in many CrossFit gyms every year on US Memorial Day to remember one of the military heroes Lt. Michael Murphy.
We originally posted this workout on Memorial Day - 05/29/2017 and again in 2018 on 05/28/2018. Check your score if you did this version before!
We truly appreciate and recognize the sacrifices made by all of our servicemen and women.
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
BE SAFE! - Take a look this week's programming and let it inform how you approach this workout or vice versa. If you are doing this Memorial Day, consider doing the Vault workout on Wednesday in place of the Daily Workout.
To learn more about Murph click here
Murph (For Time)
1-Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
1-Mile Run
If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it.
There are several ways you can do this workout -
We HIGHLY recommend that MOST of you do Half Murph - which is
Run 800 m
50 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
150 Squats
Run 800 m
And even then to perform the workout broken up as:
Run 800 m
10 Rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Run 800 m
Do it as written with or without a vest. Only wear a vest if you feel you can do this workout in about 40 min or less without it.
You can also wear a lighter vest! Women the RX Vest is 14# either way.
You can also break up the reps into "Cindy" rounds (5-10-15 as listed above) if you would like, because it will make the rounds more manageable.
So instead of doing 100-200-300 straight through, you will do 20 Rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats.
We are not in the camp of "you must do this in order - in a vest - in order to pay respect." I don't think any of our fallen heroes need you to injure or wreck yourselves in order to pay respect. Just doing the workout is plenty in our opinion.
For the pull ups you can do, strict, kipping, jumping or ring rows/TRX rows.
You may scale the push ups to the knees if you need to.
For the squats don't get sloppy. But back and down. Heels down. Knees out. Belly tight and chest up. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. Stand tall at the top.
See Program C for bike and row options!
Happy Memorial Day!
BE SAFE! - Take a look this week's programming and let it inform how you approach this workout or vice versa. If you are doing this Memorial Day, consider doing the Vault workout on Wednesday in place of the Daily Workout.
Metcon (For Time)
Row 2000 meters OR Bike 100 Cal (Men) or 75 Cal (Women)
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Row 2000 Meters or Bike 100 Cal (Men) or 75 Cal (Women)
If you have a weight vest - wear it!
There are several ways you can do this workout -
We HIGHLY recommend that MOST of you do Half Murph - which is
Row 1000 Meters
Bike 50 Cal Men / 40 Cal Women
50 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
150 Squats
Row 1000 Meters
Bike 50 Cal Men / 40 Cal
And even then to perform the workout broken up as:
Row 1000 Meters
Bike 50 Cal Men / 40 Cal
10 Rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Row 1000 Meters
Bike 50 Cal Men / 40 Cal
Do it as written with or without a vest. Only wear a vest if you feel you can do this workout in about 40 min or less without it.
You can also wear a lighter vest! Women the RX Vest is 14# either way.
You can also break up the reps into "Cindy" rounds (5-10-15 as listed above) if you would like, because it will make the rounds more manageable.
So instead of doing 100-200-300 straight through, you will do 20 Rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats.
We are not in the camp of "you must do this in order - in a vest - in order to pay respect." I don't think any of our fallen heroes need you to injure or wreck yourselves in order to pay respect. Just doing the workout is plenty in our opinion.
For the pull ups you can do, strict, kipping, jumping or ring rows/TRX rows.
You may scale the push ups to the knees if you need to.
For the squats don't get sloppy. But back and down. Heels down. Knees out. Belly tight and chest up. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. Stand tall at the top.
Happy Memorial Day!
Try to remember the spirit of Murph and what this event is all about. It’s no time for ego to get in the way of coming together as a community and celebrating a hero’s life and honoring his sacrifice. You can show the most respect by choosing a variation of the workout that allows you to move with integrity in each and every rep!
Murph is A LOT of volume. So depending on where you’re at in your journey you might want to consider scaling the volume down. You can always do a Mini Murph with 1/2 mile runs (800m) and half the the reps. Or choose whatever distance/numbers is appropriate for you to maintain your proper positions. Another way to scale volume is to choose to move for quality rather than time. For example, you could set your clock for 30 minutes and "flow" through the movements at a pace that allows you to move well. I also always like baby wearing as a way of helping me resist putting the pedal to the medal, especially if you have a hard time resist peer pressure. Lol... hopefully no one is going to make you go HAM while you have a baby strapped to your chest.
Also, I’d definitely do the “partitioned” option and break up the pull-ups, push ups, and squats into smaller cycles instead of trying to do all of each movement (like they did at the Games a few years ago) at a time before moving on.
Make sure you are staying HYDRATED!!!! Especially if you live somewhere warm or haven’t done this long of a workout in a while. I cannot emphasize this point enough, mamas!!!
As for your movements...
PULL UPS - Avoid any coning or too much pressure in the belly/pelvic floor with a ring row/trx row or a barbell rows or bent over rows are great too. I also love banded pull a parts or banded lat pull downs. Strict pull ups are normally ok as a sub but with this much volume and trying to cycle through the reps steadily, I wouldn’t recommend it. No jumping pull ups ladies...too much volume and this one can sneak up on you in how much fatigue and breakdown it puts in your arms.
PUSH UPS - Again, find a variation where you are not coning or bearing down with pressure in your belly or pelvic floor. I prefer an elevated push up to a box or bench over push ups from the knees but either way make sure you’re able to maintain a neutral spine and good integrity in your core for the entire movement of every rep. Break these up into even smaller sets or go from a higher box/elevation if you have to! You can also always do Front Raises or Strict Shoulder Presses!
SQUATS - Don’t be afraid to do a box squat or squat to some kind of target here! Great options for maintaining integrity in your core and focusing on proper breathing mechanics.
RUNNING - No leaking! If you experience leaking/peeing/pelvic pain while running you need to adapt your approach/technique and trying to learn how to do that during Murph just isn’t really the appropriate time. If you’re close to a full recovery try running a shorter distance. You can always sub rowing, biking, quick step ups, taps, etc.
I hope this helps!!! Please reach out if you have more questions! I’d also love to see your pictures if you decide to do it!!!