SANDBAG | WEEK 30 | 07/19/2020


Full Body Simple Warm Up


400 Meter Run


3 Rounds
9 Side to Side Sandbag Thruster
6/4 Push up + lateral sandbag drag

REST 1 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 50-60# Sandbag
RX Women: 25-40# Sandbag

RX+ 4 Rounds

Score: Total Time including the Rest.
Goal: Under 30 min

Alright guys, Im not going to lie this one is rough. For this one you want to make sure you chose the appropriate weight for your bag so that you can push to get the thruster unbroken. Try to keep the rounds in the 5-6 min range.

For the run - the distance should take you 1:30-2:15 given that you get a 1 min rest in between rounds. If this is still hard for you to achieve - shorten the run a bit to maybe 300m.

If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you can sub Bike 30 (men)/20 (women) cal bike, Row 500 Meters or even 2 min of Double unders, Single unders, low step ups, or taps.

For the sandbag thrusters get the bag on one shoulder with the elbows high. Keep your feet under shoulders & heels down. Reach your butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat position, really try to keep your elbows high while keeping the midline braced. Stand hard and fast to pop the sandbag off of the body. Pop the bag up and over your head and onto the other shoulder. Work to pass through a fully locked out position when the bag is over your head before lowering back down.

For the push ups + lat sandbag drag set your feet up in a wider stance
for a stronger base. Start on one side of the bag and perform a push up, make sure the chest and thighs touch the ground while keeping
the hips slightly elevated. Keep belly nice and tight.

Come to full lockout at top of the push up. Reach for the sandbag with the opposite arm while keeping the hips as square as possible, rotation of the hips will come as your body starts to fatigue and that’s fine. Drag and toss the bag across your body underneath. Try your best to fully clear your sandbag across your body.