7 Min

Against the Wall 1/2 Pirouette Handstand Practice

**Watch Video for this one**Ok guys - this is tough.  So much so that it took us SEVERAL takes to even be able to film it.  But, it's one of those skills that is just fun to practice and there are several options for scaling on the video.

The basic idea is to do a wall walk up into a wall facing handstand and then start to perform a pirouette, using the wall as a guide and stability somewhat.

A pirouette is an in place 360 degree turn on your hands.  For this we are practicing just the 180.  Or, as seen in the video - even just a quarter turn.

The idea is to keep the hands in roughly the same square and not really travel with it.  The keys are to keep the belly and butt tight and learn to shift the weight.

This is meant to simply be play and practice.  DEFINITELY post a video if you are able to get it.

PS - former gymnasts - we know - we know - it's not that hard.  Ha ha.

If you are still new to this whole handstand thing, you may also just practice shoulder taps.

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

2 Around the World Reps
2 Strict Behind the Neck Pull Ups

These can be broken up if necessary.The around the worlds start in a hang position.  From here you will work to keep your legs straight and make a massive circle out and around (all the way up to like a toe to bar) and then all the way around back down to hang.  These are meant to be pretty strict, so no momentum is to be used.

These are TOUGH and require some flexibility as well.  Scale to around the world with knees only if necessary.

For the behind the neck pull ups, your hands should be slightly wider than your regular pull up grip.  Make sure you pull the head forward.  These are definitely strict.  Make sure you come all of the way down at the bottom.

If you are unable to do these you may sub banded strict (regular) or jump and slow lower (regular) pull ups!

Metcon (Time)

For Time

Accumulate 2 Min in a V-Sit Hold with heels over a KB or Upright DB

RX +: 3 Min

Score: Time it takes for you to get to 2 Min (or 3 for RX +)For this you will work to keep your legs STRAIGHT.  Sit your butt on the ground and lift the heels and hold them over the KB handle.  Try not to lean back.  Hands should be slightly in front of the hips.

When you break - note your time and rest as needed before you go again.  Your time is when you have accumulated 2 Min (or 3 for RX+).

Scale to 1 leg at a time if necessary.

MIranda AlcarazGymnastics