Street Parking

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10 Rounds

1 Min On
1 Min Off

When you are ON:

2 Wall Walks +
Max Reps DB Burpee Power Cleans

RX Men: 40#
RX Women: 25#

RX + 3 Wall Walks

Score: Total DB Burpee Power Cleans

Goal: Good Times


10 Rounds

1 Min On
1 Min Off

When you are ON:

2 Wall Walks +
Max Reps Clean and Jerk

RX Men: 115#
RX Women: 75#

RX + 3 Wall Walks

RX + Men: 135#
RX + Women: 95#

Score: Total DB Burpee Power Cleans

Goal: Good Times


10 Rounds (20 Min)

1 Min On
1 Min Off

When you are ON:

2 Wall Walks +
Max Reps DB Burpee Power Cleans

RX Men: 40#
RX Women: 25#

RX + 3 Wall Walks

Score: Total DB Burpee Power Cleans

Goal: Good Times

** For team version it's very simple.  It's You go I go.  Partner 1 does min 1 and partner 2 does min 2.  Score is total reps of the dumbbell burpee power clean between the 2 athletes combined!

Team members do not need to use the same weight or do the same number of wall walks.


For this workout you will lower the number of wall walks if 2 makes the take more than about 30 seconds.  Go RX + if you are a wall walk ninja and can get 2 in 15 seconds or less.

Be CAREFUL though because whatever number you start with is what you will need to finish with!  They will be much quicker in the beginning than in the end!

For the wall walk you will start in the bottom of a push up with the feet against the wall.  You will start walking the feet up the wall and press up to the top of the push up and walk your hands back.  Keep the belly tight - no sagging hips!  Ideally you will walk all of the way back to the wall until the chest touches.  Then you will walk the hands back out away from the wall and walk the feet down the wall.  No Slamming or sliding down!

If doing full on wall walks is not comfortable for you yet - you may choose to go only part of the way up and come down.  You may also scale to pike on the box ups (raise the number if these are fast for you) or even inchworms!

For the dumbbell burpee power clean you will place your hands on the dumbbells.  Go down into the bottom of a push up position and then jump or step your feet in.  Unlike a devil press - for this you will want the dumbbells outside of the legs when you jump or step the feet in.  Then you will perform a power clean with your dumbbells.

For the power clean you will make sure your knees are bent and chest is UP/back is flat.  Keep the arms straight and dig the heels into the ground as you pick up the dumbbells.  Once past the knees you will almost JUMP and shrug the shoulders with straight arms.  Use that momentum to bring the dumbbells up to the shoulders with the elbows coming around and through quickly.  You may also choose to pull yourself under slightly.  Make sure you stand completely with each rep before lowering.

Lower the dumbbells by keeping the chest up and bending the knees back down to the ground.

Scale to lighter weight or even regular burpees!