4 x 3 Min AMRAP

Rest 1 Min Between AMRAPs

Each AMRAP is:

AMRAP 3 Min:

12 Wall Balls
6 Burpee Power Clean

RX Men: 20#ish Ball, 40# DBs
RX Women: 14#ish Ball, 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs
RX + Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total completed rounds plus added up additional reps from all 4 of the AMRAPS.

Goal: 3 Rounds + each time. (At LEAST 2 rounds though for real)


4 x 3 Min AMRAP

Rest 1 Min Between AMRAPs

Each AMRAP is:

AMRAP 3 Min:

12 Wall Balls
6 Power Clean

RX Men: 20#ish Ball, 115#
RX Women: 14#ish Ball, 75#

RX + Men: 135# +
RX + Women: 95# +

Score: Total completed rounds plus added up additional reps from all 4 of the AMRAPS.

Goal: 3 Rounds + each time. (At LEAST 2 rounds though for real)


4 x 3 Min AMRAP

Rest 1 Min Between AMRAPs

Each AMRAP is:

AMRAP 3 Min:

12 Wall Balls
6 Odd Object Cleans

RX Men: 20#ish Ball
RX Women: 14#ish Ball

Options for odd object:  D Ball or Stone, Sandbag, Tire Flips etc

Score: Total completed rounds plus added up additional reps from all 4 of the AMRAPS.

Goal: 3 Rounds + each time. (At LEAST 2 rounds though for real)

So the way this works is you will start by doing a 3 min AMRAP of the 12-6.  At 3 min let's say you got 3 rounds plus 4 wall balls.  Your score for that round is 3 + 4.  You rest 1 min and start over FROM THE BEGINNING.  Do that until you have done 4 Three Minute AMRAPS.  At the end add up total completed rounds plus any extra you got each time.

You always start each new AMRAP at the beginning with 12 Wall Balls.

For the wall balls you will hold the ball at the chest with the elbows in.  With the feet shoulder width apart you will reach the butt back and down - keeping the heels down, knees driving out, and chest up!  Get the butt below the knees at the bottom.  Stand leading with the chest and the ball.  Use the power from the legs to help you throw the ball!  The goal is to throw to a 9' target roughly for women and 10' for men if possible.

When you catch the ball don't allow it to pull you forward!  Keep the chest up and tuck the elbows in!!

If you don't have a ball or are dealing with low ceilings etc you may sub light weight thrusters (too soon?). Think empty barbell or 10-15 lb dumbbells for women.  20-25# dumbbells for men.

Welcome to the dumbbell burpee power clean.  You will have the hands on the dumbbells.  Jump your feet out (or step out).  Get your chest and thighs to the ground.  Jump or step the feet back in (on the INSIDE of the dumbbells). Make sure the chest is up, knees are bent and heels are down.  Stand with the dumbbells and pick up speed!  Use the legs and hips to almost jump the weight up to the shoulder.  Add a shrug before you pull with the arms and elbows.  Touch one head of the dumbbell to the shoulder and get the elbows in front.  You can do a muscle clean (no rebend) or pull yourself under slightly!

To start the next rep you will place the dumbbells back down.  Do not get sloppy.  Keep the chest up as you lower them and bend your knees!!