Street Parking

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This workout is a memorable one for MANY people!!  It was such a fun one to watch and looked like such a fun one to do.

Basically the way it worked was the athletes had a pile of sandbags at the top of the stands on one side of the stadium.  They had to take them down the stairs and dump them over.  Then they had to wheelbarrow them across - throw them back over the wall - and carry them UP the stairs on the other side.

For Time:

10 Rounds
100 Meter Plate Carry
100 Meter Run


50 Plate Step Up and Overs

RX Men: 45# Plate
RX Women: 25# Plate

Score: Total Time

Goal: Fun times


For Time:

10 Rounds
100 Meter Farmer Carry
100 Meter Run


50 Dumbbell Step Up and Overs

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men: 50# Dumbbells
RX + Women: 35# Dumbbells

Score: Total Time

Goal: Fun times


For Time:

10 Rounds
100 Meter Sandbag/Object Carry
100 Meter Run


50 Sandbag Step Up and Overs

No real RX again, just since you all have different weights of bags/balls etc.  Use what you have.   Put what you did in comments.

Ideally men will have 50#+ for this one and Women 30# + for this one - not TOO heavy.

Score: Total Time

For the farmer carries you will hold a dumbbell or kb in each hand.  You will hold them the same way for the step up and overs.

You will do a 50 meter out - 50 meter back carry.  Drop your plate and run that same distance.

Do that 10 times.

After you have completed 10 rounds of that you will do 50 step up and overs on your box holding your plate at your chest.  Box height should be 18-20" for the ladies and 22-24" for the men ideally.

You will step up with your WHOLE foot on the box.  You do not have to stand all of the way up once you are on the box.  Step down on the other side.  That is 1 rep.

It is probably a good idea to alternate feet each step, but it is not required.